Sunday, June 11, 2006

Notes and comments on Frédéric Girard's presentation of June 10th

by Sue Gourley
See the previous post on this site for the Agenda of the meeting.
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There were some samples on Chemin des Frênes last year duringone testing period after a rain. They were of lower quality. A second test was OK. Frédéric wants to make more samples this year over a larger area.The municipality has hired a student to help him for the summer.

Chemin des Épinettes was problematic. Frédéric suspects a septic system butthere could be other causes.

Lac Johanne - Frédéric took tests - A septic installation was found to be bad - It was corrected and retested and now OK - no coliform.The third sampling in October 2005 showed that the fecal coliform count was excellent everywhere.

Chemin de l'Oseille(I am not sure if I heard the correct road name) this was the only sector that was not as good.

Aging of Lac Marois and Lac Ouimet

Frédéric takes samples several times on top of the water.He also uses a device to see how clear the water is. He couldn't see the tester after 6 meters in both lakes. That is very goodOur lakes are neutral - not acidicHe takes the water temperature with an oxymeter - temperature meter - In spring when the water is at 4 degrees, the water is heavier with more oxygen and it reoxygenates the lake by falling to the bottom. Bacteria needs oxygen to eat plants and decompose them.

3 types of lake oligotrophic - oxygen, clearMesotrophic - less oxygen, more plants - more accumulation of plant materialEutrophic - lots of nutritive material, algae - lots of animals - birds - more interesting for environment but with less fish - less oxygen- not good for swimming

Lac Marois is oligotrophic - young - larger - healthy- lots of exchange of oxygen.Most of the population of Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs is in the watershed - any cutting of trees or development in that watershed will affect the lake.The edge of the lake is not as well kept as Lac Ouimet. For these 2 reasons,Frédéric feels that LAC MAROIS IS MORE AT RISK than Lac Ouimet.

Lac Ouimet - is oligotrophic - young - larger - healthy- lots of exchange of oxygen.The edge of the lake is better kept than Lac Marois. It has fewer houses. The watershed has far fewer houses on it than Lac Marois.

Plan of Action - Frédéric will look at septic systems and follow up on the lake edge and stream edges. You should not affect the edge of the water - stream or lake within 10 meters - Frédéric inspects all new construction.One municipality - Du Lac Sargent - near Quebec City, passed a regulation that there are no acquired rights (droit aquis) that allows you to continue to pollute. They believe cutting grass to the edge of the lake is polluting.Don't cut the grass up to the water even if you have always done it.

Opinion - The municipality can pass as many regulations as you want - the courts are very protective of the individual and so the regulations aren't followed.

Frédéric mentioned a couple of web sites. I didn't get them all. Below is one.
Le Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides, en collaboration avec le Regroupement national des 16 conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec, organise, pour la première fois à l’échelle provinciale, un forum traitant de la problématique des lacs au Québec.

Question - Does the subterrainian water get tested? Frédéric takes only surface water and not subterrainian because subterrainian water is not influenced by the beavers or water runoff.The potability of water in lake - Frederic doesn't recommend it - because surface water can have no problem one day and then have a problem the next - beaver fever. A water pipe that is deep - 15 feet under - has a better chance to be drinkable but still not recommended.

Question - septic system - must be emptied every 2 years and a bill presented to Hotel de Ville - They now have a software program to follow that.
0 to 20 fecal coliform - excellent
21 to 100 - can bathe
100 and more - ???

Question - Did the development "Boisé du Lac Marois" affect Lac Marois? There is not much construction yet. There are not many trees cut yet. So, we don't know. The municipality now owns the wetland at the base of the slope between the development and the lake. Frédéric hopes the the wetland (milieu humide) will help to keep Lac marois protected from the effects of the development.

Question - Who controls the damns? (barrage) According to Frédéric, the - municipality owns the damns on Lac Ouimet and Lac Marois.Because the damns have a weak impact on the level of the lake they are not inspected by the Province. The damns on Lac Colette, Lac Suzanne and Lac Johanne are important - & have more impact. They are inspected by engineers every 5 years.

Question - Is there any effect to the environment with lights shining on the lake? According to Frédéric there is no influence - more a visual pollution.

Question - Who controls the beavers? (castors) - The MRC (Martin Belair?) are responsible except on the roads.

Question on Lac St Amour algae - Frédéric will make more tests

Question - dead birds - west nile virus - Frédéric says there is very little chance
to get west nile in SADL.


The entire drainage area or basin feeding a stream or river. Includes surface water, groundwater, vegetation, and human structures.
Le Bassin versant -
la ressource eau à l'intérieur du territoire naturel d'écoulement des eaux.

Bacteria common to the intestinal tract of mammals. Indicates biowaste from livestock or humans and may be a sign of disease-causing pathogens.

Bactéries servant d'indicateurs de la présence de bactéries pathogènes provenant des fèces d'organismes à sang chaud pouvant transmettre des maladies aux êtres humains. La norme pour la baignade est de 200 coliformes fécaux par 100 mL d'eau ou UFC/100mL (pour unités formant des colonies) alors que celle pour les usages de contact indirect tel que la pêche est de 1000 UFC/100 mL.

A term applied to lakes and ponds with clear water and low levels of nutrients.
This term is applied to clear water lakes and ponds with beds of submerged aquatic plants and medium levels of nutrients.
EUTROPHIC, eutrophication
A term applied to nutrient enriched lakes and ponds.

« EUTROPHE » décrit un lac ou une rivière ayant une forte productivité et une haute biomasse. L'étendue d'eau est riche en nutriments, souvent peu profonde et saisonnièrement déficiente en oxygène. Cette fertilisation peut être naturelle ou causée par l'activité humaine, cette dernière pouvant entraîner des répercussions néfastes pour le milieu.

Un cours d'eau est dit « MÉSOTROPHE » lorsqu'il a une productivité modéré.

Le terme « OLIGOTROPHE » décrit un lac ou une rivière ayant une productivité faible, pauvre en nutriments, mais très oxygéné dans toute sa profondeur, et dont la clarté de l'eau est très bonne.

Understanding: Lake Ecology Primer There are a total of 21 web pages in this on-line limnology primer. Use the navigation bar located on the top left side of each page, or use the links provided at the bottom of each page to move forward or backward in the primer. Throughout these pages, you will find terms that are linked to their respective definitions. Move the mouse over the link to see a pop-up window with the definition. Move your mouse away from the term, and the pop-up window will go away. Click on the link to open the full glossary, and find more defined terms. Here is an example, Water on the Web.
Welcome to the Watershed Academy's Distance Learning Program -- Watershed Academy Web. This Web site offers a variety of self-paced training modules that represent a basic and broad introduction to the watershed management field. The modules are organized by the six themes listed above. Modules vary in the time they to complete, from ½ hour to 2 hours. Fifteen of them (marked with asterisks * below) are the core modules for the Watershed Academy Certificate Program.
Le Regroupement des organisations de bassin versant du Québec (ROBVQ) est un organisme à but non lucratif créé en novembre 2001 et reconnu par le ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs du Québec comme étant son interlocuteur privilégié pour la mise en place de la gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin versant au Québec.
La Direction des laboratoires est chargée de faire les analyses chimiques, bactériologiques et toxicologiques pour la Direction de l'environnement de la Ville de Montréal.

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