Saturday, July 08, 2006

Green Day - Journée Verte SADL

Notes by Sue
Green Day - Journée Verte SADL - 8 juillet 2006
It looked to be another great success this year. Many people came to test their water and dropped by the booths under the marquee. One exhibitor thought the marquee was excellent as her community has tried to set up an environmental day but the weather often kept people away.
There were lively and friendly discussions inside the marquee. Centre de jardin Benoît Lorrain had a booth and one of the other exhibitors thought the products they were selling were not environmental.
My favourite discussion was the lady wanting to have SADL sprayed to limit the number of mosquitos in SADL. The SADL Environmental association has come out against spraying so I went to discuss the situation with the lady at the booth. A few of my neighbours joined in and we agreed to send one another links and information on the issue.
List of exhibitors:
1)The Association du district de SADL (us)
2)The water testing booth.
3)Marcelline Sainte-Marie had a booth showing off her delicious organic cooking. You can order Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 7pm and the food will be ready for the next week. Call Marcelline at 450-224-1634 or Annie-Claude Sainte-Marieat 450-224-3051
4) CRPF - Comité régional pour la protection des falaises The committee to protect the Prévost cliffs at the entryway to our beautiful Lauretians.
5)Centre de jardin Benoît Lorrain - How to make a water garden
6)Municipal booth to test our recycling skills. There were different items of garbage and we were challenged to identify which could be recycled.
7)Frédéric Girard, our environmental technician, had a table to answer questions on water quality and the environment.
8) The SADL Library had a table showing the environmental books available.The library is open Sunday from 9:30 to noon, Wednesday 1 pm to 8 pm and Friday 4 pm to 8 pm.
9) Boutique Bio-Terre, 27 rue de l'église, St. Sauveur had their biodegradable cleaning products at their booth. They will fill up your container with the product you desire.
10) RQFE -Réseau québécois des femmes en environnement - Quebec women environmentalists. Check out their web site -
11) A passionate lady had a booth offering the "One Ton Challenge" pamphlet put out by the federal government. She sells a product called "Vers Land" - a worm/manure natural fertilizer. Since we can't use fertilisers in SADL, it was not of great interest to me, except the brochure says it is used in hydroponics culture. Worth a look see.
12) An engineer, Michel Bélanger had a booth showing his specialty - septic systems
13) There was a booth by Champignons sauvages de nos bois - selling KnickKnacks and mushroom products.
14) A booth promoting spraying to reduce the mosquito population.
15) A booth by Ducks Unlimited with beautiful nature artwork.
16) A booth promoting the consumption of Wheat Grass extract.
17) A booth selling plants, natural products and defending the poor dandelion. La Société d'horticulture et d'écologie - Tournenvert - 416 chemin des Mômes, St Sauveur

Bye for now
Happy summer

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